Dua Joshan Sagheer
In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful.
O my God, many an enemy
unsheathed the sword of his hostility against me,
honed his daggers edge against me,
sharpened the heads of his weapons against me,
mixed for me his deadly poisons,
leveled at me his hitting arrow,
kept a sleepless eye on me,
and decided secretly to target harm to me
and to make me taste the deadly poison of his bitterness.
[Amid all that] You considered that I am too weak to bear hardships,
I am too short to have aid against him who aimed at attacking me,
and You perceived my loneliness to confront many of those who incurred my hostility and laid in wait for me,
while I have not been ready to give any thought to sitting in ambush and retaliating.
So, You came to stand by me with Your might,
made me strong through Your support,
notched his sharpness against me,
disappointed him although he concentrated all his troops and crowds,
You gave me the upper hand over him,
directed toward him the same traps that he had laid for me,
and caused him to be engaged with his own traps.
Thus, he could not quench his thirst,
did not assuage the fury of his anger,
bit his thumb [out of his malice toward me],
and turned his back fleeing after his pennons had failed.
So, all praise be to You, O Lord;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces.
O my God, many a tyrannical oppressor
made me the target of his oppressive trickeries,
set the traps of his hunting for me,
continuously spied on me,
and waylaid me like a beast waylaying its prey
in waiting for seizing the best opportunity [to catch me],
While he was showing me happy mien flatteringly
and displaying an uncheerful face.
So, when You saw ill intention of his inner self
and the ugliness of his determination against his partner in religion,
and he became resolute in tyranny against me,
You threw him down headlong
and demolished his structure from its foundation.
So, You knocked him down while he was in loftiness,
made him fall in the bottomless depth of his hole,
caused his face to be a cover of his foot’s dust,
caused him to be engaged with his body and his earnings,
hurled him with his own stone,
suffocated him with his own rope,
slaughtered him with his own arrowhead,
overturned him to his nose,
turned his plot to his own neck,
lassoed him with his remorse,
and stretched him with his regret.
So, he became lowly and dwindled after his arrogance,
was crushed after his haughtiness;
humble and captured in the lasso of his trap
in which he expected to see me in the days of his influence.
In fact, O my Lord, I was—had it not been for Your mercy—
about to encounter the same as he had encountered.
So, all praise be to You, O Lord;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces.
O my God, many an envier choked with his regret
and an enemy became grieved out of his fury,
smit me with his sharp tongue,
pricked me with the inner corner of his eye,
made me the object of his intentions,
and gird me with dispositions that are still his.
Therefore, I called upon You, O my Lord, seeking Your shelter,
having full confidence in the immediateness of Your response,
trusting in that which I am still receiving from You;
namely, the excellence of Your defense of me,
having full knowledge that whoever harbors under the shade of Your protection will never be persecuted,
and whoever takes refuge in the fortress of the seeking of Your support will never be exposed to the strikes of misfortunes.
So, You safeguarded me from his prowess with Your omnipotence.
So, all praise be to You, O Lord;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces.
O my God, many clouds of misfortune You have dispersed,
much rain of bliss You have poured,
many streams of conferral You have made flow,
many springs of troubles You have effaced,
many launches of mercy You have spread,
many armors of wellbeing You have adorned [us with],
many overwhelming calamities You have removed,
and many continual events of goodness You have decided.
They would never render You impotent when You determined them to happen,
and could never stop responding to You when You wanted them to be.
So, all praise be to You, O Lord;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces.
O my God, many an excellent hope You have achieved,
many breaking poverty You have set,
many gross neediness You have shunted,
many destructive blows You have revived (me from them),
and many hardships You have relieved (me of them).
You cannot be questioned concerning that which You do
and they shall be questioned.
That which You spend never decreases You.
When You have been besought, You gave;
and although You have not been besought, You took the initiative to give.
When the door of Your favoring was knocked, You have not withheld.
You have insisted on nothing but favoring and bestowal
and You, O my Lord, have also insisted on giving generously and beneficently.
But as for me, I insisted on nothing but violation of Your prohibitions,
daring to commit acts of disobedience to You,
transgressing Your limits,
passing over Your threats,
and obeying Your and my enemy.
My failure to be thankful to You has not made You, O my God and Helper,
stop perfecting Your favors on me.
Likewise, this has not prevented me from committing sins that You dislike.
O my God, this is the situation of a humble servant [of You],
who professes Your Oneness,
confesses of his failure to carry out his duty towards You,
and testifies to Your ample favoring on him,
Your excellent habits in treating him,
and Your bestowal of graces upon him.
So, my God and Master, confer upon me an amount of Your benevolence
that I can use as a path taking me to Your mercy,
as a ladder by which I ascend to Your satisfaction,
and I can be secured from Your wrath
in the name of Your might and supremacy
and in the name of Your Prophet, Muhammad,
may Your blessings be upon him and his Household.
So, all praise be to You, O Lord;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces.
My God, many a servant [of You]
is in eves and morns suffering the agony of death,
and the rattles of death,
experiencing that which shudders the skins
and horrifies the hearts;
but I am safe from all that.
So, all praise be to You, O Lord;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces.
My God, many a servant [of You]
is in eves and morns ailing and feeling pain
with moans and wails,
and is rolling over and over with anguish;
neither finding any way of escaping it
nor is he finding the taste of any food or drink;
while I am enjoying body health
and safe living.
All that [wellbeing] is from You.
So, all praise be to You, O Lord;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces.
O my God, many a servant [of You]
is in eves and morns fearful, frightened,
terrified, scared,
fugitive, runaway,
hiding in a tight burrow
or in an ordinary den;
while the entire spacious earth has become too narrow to secure him a place.
He thus cannot devise any plan
or find any shelter or retreat.
While I am living in security, tranquility, and good health;
all of which is from You.
So, all praise be to You, O Lord;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces.
O my God and Master,
many a servant [of You]
is in eves and morns enchained
and shackled in iron shackles
in the hands of his enemies whom show him no mercy;
[and he is] separated from his family members and children
and detached from his friends and country;
each hour, he wonders what kind of killing he will be killed
and what kind of mutilation he will be mutilated.
But I am safe from all this.
So, all praise be to You, O Lord;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces.
My God, many a servant [of You]
is in eves and morns contending in war,
conducting the fighting by himself,
and is surrounded by enemies from all sides
with swords, spears, and instruments of wars.
He is trembling inside iron [i.e. his armor],
and trying desperately to do everything possible.
He cannot find any further means
and cannot find any escape.
He is seriously experiencing wounds
or is totally covered with his blood
[struggling] under the toes of the hooves and under feet;
he desires a drink of water
or a look at his folk and children
but he cannot get it.
While I am safe from all that.
So, all praise be to You, O Lord;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces.
My God, many a servant [of You]
is in eves and morns living in the darkness of seas,
in the storms of winds,
and in horrors and billows;
anticipating drowning and perdition;
he does not have any means in his power;
or is afflicted with a thunderbolt,
demolition, burning,
or choking, swallowing of the earth,
deformation, or striking.
While I am safe from all that.
So, all praise be to You, O Lord;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces.
My God, many a servant [of You]
is in eves and morns on journeys,
far away from his family members and sons,
bewildered in deserts,
wandering with beasts, wild animals, and pests,
alone and forlorn;
he can find no way out
nor can he follow any right path;
or is suffering cold, hot weather,
hunger, nudity,
or other sorts of tribulations
of which I am free;
and I am released from all that.
So, all praise be to You, O Lord;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces.
My God, Master, and Lord,
many a servant [of You]
is in eves and morns poor, needy,
naked, deprived,
abortive, abandoned,
hungry, and thirsty;
expecting someone to bestow a favor upon him;
or many a slave—who enjoys a high standing with You
or who is superior in prominence than I am in Your view
and more worshipping for You than I am—
is chained and subdued;
he has been overloaded with the exhaustion of pains,
the hardship of slavery,
the encumbrance of serfdom,
and the burden of imposition;
or is encountering a hard tribulation
that he cannot stand except by a favor that You bestow upon him;
while I am served, turning in bliss,
relieved from that, honored,
and released from what that one suffers.
So, all praise be to You, O Lord;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces.
My God and Master,
many a servant [of You] is in eves and morns
homeless, fugitive,
confused, bewildered,
hungry, and afraid
in deserts and wild lands;
he is burnt by hot and cold weather
while he is suffering harsh living,
barely sufficient manner of living,
and humble position;
he looks at himself with grief
because he cannot make any harm or benefit to himself;
but I am free from all that
on account of Your magnanimity and generosity.
So, all praise be to You, O Lord;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces;
and have mercy upon me, by Your mercy;
O most Merciful of all those who show mercy.
My God and Master,
many a servant [of You] is in eves and morns
ailing, ill,
sick, and seriously unwell;
[laid] on the bed of ailment and dressed with it;
he turns right and left [unrestfully]
and cannot find the good taste of food
or the good taste of drink;
he looks at himself with grief
because he cannot make any harm or benefit to himself.
While I am free from all that
on account of Your magnanimity and generosity.
So, there is no god save You. All glory be to You;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with the worshippers of You,
those who are thankful for Your bounties,
and those who permanently mention Your graces;
and have mercy upon me, by Your mercy;
O most Merciful of all those who show mercy.
My Lord and Master,
many a servant [of You] is in eves and morns
receiving the day of his death;
and the Angel of Death and his assistants are gazing at him;
he is thus suffering the agonies and pains of death.
His eyes are turning right and left,
looking at his dear, beloved, and intimate friends;
he is restrained from ability to talk
and withheld from speaking.
He looks at himself with grief
because he cannot make any harm or benefit to himself;
but I am free from all that
on account of Your magnanimity and generosity.
So, there is no god save You. All glory be to You;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces;
and have mercy upon me, by Your mercy.
O most Merciful of all those who show mercy!
My God, Lord, and Master,
many a servant [of You] is in eves and morns
in the straits of jails and prisons
and in their agonies, humiliation, and iron;
controlled by their keepers and guards;
so, he has no idea what will be done to him
and which punishment will be set upon him.
He is suffering harsh living
and barely sufficient manner of living.
He looks at himself with grief
because he cannot make any harm or benefit to himself;
but I am free from all that
on account of Your magnanimity and generosity.
So, there is no god save You. All glory be to You;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with the worshippers of You,
those who are thankful for Your bounties,
and those who permanently mention Your graces;
and have mercy upon me, by Your mercy,
O most Merciful of all those who show mercy.
My God, Lord, and Master,
many a servant [of You] is in eves and morns
permanently suffering under the vicissitudes of time,
surrounded by hardships,
departing his dear, beloved, and intimate friends,
receiving the evenings while he is imprisoned, humiliated, and lowly,
in the hands of the unbelievers and the enemies
who dominate him from the right and the left;
he has been locked up in cellars
and overloaded with iron (shackles);
he cannot see any of the light of the world
nor any of its rest;
he looks at himself with grief
because he cannot make any harm or benefit to himself;
but I am free from all that
on account of Your magnanimity and generosity.
So, there is no god save You. All glory be to You;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with the worshippers of You,
those who are thankful for Your bounties,
and those who permanently mention Your graces;
and have mercy upon me, by Your mercy,
O most Merciful of all those who show mercy.
My God, Lord, and Master;
many a servant [of You] in eves and morns
has desirously longed for the worldly pleasures
that he risked himself and his property
out of his greediness of them (i.e. these pleasures).
He thus embarked on a ship, which was then broken;
so, he is in the horizons and murk of oceans;
he looks at himself with grief
because he cannot make any harm or benefit to himself;
but I am free from all that
on account of Your magnanimity and generosity.
So, there is no god save You. All glory be to You;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with the worshippers of You,
those who are thankful for Your bounties,
and those who permanently mention Your graces;
and have mercy upon me, by Your mercy,
O most Merciful of all those who show mercy.
My God, Lord, and Master,
many a servant [of You] is in eves and morns
permanently suffering under the vicissitudes of time
and is surrounded by hardships,
unbelievers, and enemies;
and is taken up by spears, swords, and arrows;
and he was then knocked down and thrown to the ground.
The soil swallowed his blood
and beasts and birds munched his flesh.
But I am free from all that
on account of Your magnanimity and generosity
although I do not deserve it.
O He save Whom there is no god. All glory be to You;
You are invulnerably Omnipotent
and prudently Forbearing.
Bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces;
and have mercy upon me, by Your mercy,
O most Merciful of all those who show mercy;
and by Your might; O All-generous.
I will insistently ask for that which is with You,
persist on You,
and extend my hand towards You,
although it has committed offenses against You.
O my Lord, whose protection should I seek
and whose refuge should I take?
None can stand for me save You.
Will You reject me while You are my one and only confidence
and upon You alone do I rely?
I thus beseech You in the name of Your Name that when You put it on the heavens, they raised,
when You put it on the earth, it settled down,
when You put it on the mountains, they became firm,
when You put it on the night, it darkled,
and when You put it on the daylight, it lit up,
[I beseech You] to bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,
satisfy all my wants,
forgive all my sins,
the trivial and the significant,
and expand my sustenance
to the scope that I can attain the honor of this world and the Hereafter.
O most Merciful of all those who show mercy!
My Master, Your help do I seek;
so, bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad and help me!
Your protection do I seek; so, (please) protect me.
Through my obedience to You, (please) suffice me from obedience to Your servants.
Through my entreaty to You; (please) suffice me from beseeching Your creatures.
Transfer me from the humiliation of poverty to the honor of richness
and from the humiliation of acts of disobedience to You to the honor of obedience to You.
You have really given me preference over many of Your creatures
out of Your magnanimity and generosity,
although I do not deserve it.
My God, all praise be to You for all that.
(Please) send blessings to Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad
and include me with those who are thankful for Your bounties
and those who permanently mention Your graces.