
AhadithSympathy for Ahlulbayt


قال أبو عبد الله (ع):
نفَسُ المهمُوم لِظُلمنا تسبيح وهَمُه لأمرنا عبادة وكِتمانه لِسرِّنا جهادٌ في سبيل الله ثم قال أبو عبد الله (ع) يَجِب أن يُكتب هذا الحديث بالذهَب

Imam Sadiq (A.S.) said

The breath of one who is aggrieved upon the injustice and oppression subjected to us, is tasbeeh (glorification of Allah), and his grief for us, is i'baadat (worship of Allah) and his concealing our secrets, is jihad in the path of Allah. The Imam (A.S.) then added: This tradition ought to be written in gold.

Source: Amaali al‑Shaikh al‑Mufid, pg. 338.