The Customary Mourning
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عن أبي هارون المكفُوف قال دخلتُ على أبي عبد اللهِ فقال لي أنشِدني فأنشدتُه فقال لا كما تُنشدون وكما ترثِيه عند قبرهِ فأنشدتهُ
Abu Haroon al‑Makfoof said
I presented myself before Imam Sadiq (A.S.) whereupon he said to me: "Recite for me a poetry" and so I recited for him. He said "Not in this manner. Recite for me as you recite poems and elegies over the grave of Husayn (A.S.)" and so I recited for him (again).Source: Bihar al Anwar vol 44, pg. 287.