Departure of Imam Husain(AS) from Madina
Departure of Imam Husain(AS) from Madina is marked on 28th of Rajab.This year, it falls on Sun Jan 18 2026 . [1]Sun Jan 18 2026
Imam Husayn (as) begins his journey from Madina to Makka in 60 AH.
Extract of will of Imam Husain (to Muhammad Hanafiyah)
I have not risen to spread evil or to show off, nor for spreading immorality or oppression. But I have left for the reformation of the Ummah of my Grandfather the Apostle of Allah (s.a.w.) and I desire to do Amr Bil Maroof (invite towards good values) and Nahi Anal Munkar (forbidding from Evil).
Location: Madina, Saudi Arabia
[1] Actual date may depend on the local sighting of moon. This is an estimate.