Arbaeen is marked on 20th of Safar.This year, it falls on Fri Aug 15 2025 . [1]Fri Aug 15 2025
The observance of Arbaeen in Karbala, Iraq, has consistently been the largest peaceful gathering of humanity in a single day. This year, an estimated 25 million people visited the shrine of Imam Husain on this day (wikipedia)
The Arbaeen of Imam Husain and the martyrs of Karbala is a sombre occasion for Muslims all over the world, who remember the sacrifice of Imam Husain and his companions in Karbala, and all that he stood for.
Each year, hundreds of thousands converge on the southern city of Karbala where the Imam Hussein is buried.Many travel on foot and the mass gatherings are frequently attacked despite tight security. Already this year, scores of people were killed on their way to Karbala. Al-Qaeda and its Salafi affiliates feel threatened because the commemoration of Karbala and Imam Husain's humane opposition to tyranny and terrorism inspite of being vastly overpowered is in stark conflict with the radical, fanatical version of Islam they present to their followers.
Arbaeen Videos
Ziyarat on the day of Arbaeen
Location: Karbala, Iraq
[1] Actual date may depend on the local sighting of moon. This is an estimate.